Vivet spronsoring and attending the Spanish Wilson disease patients association annual conference in Valencia, Spain

Vivet spronsoring and attending the Spanish Wilson disease patients association annual conference in Valencia, Spain

The Vivet Therapeutics team had the honor of sponsoring and attending the Spanish Wilson’s Disease Association meeting in Valencia, Spain (learn more: ) over the last weekend. It is always insightful and inspirational to engage with the patient community and key thought leaders devoted to improving outcomes for those living with Wilson’s Disease. At Vivet we will continue our relentless focus on our Phase 2 gene therapy study and continue to engage, learn and evolve through these important patient advocacy meetings.

Key Takeaways:
1-Multidisciplinary teams, notably including hepatologists and neurologists, are necessary to optimize patient care, ideally in specialized reference centers.
2- The development of child-friendly medications is an urgent demand among patients’ families.
3- Early diagnosis, newborn screening, and improved education involving Patient Advocacy Groups (PAG) are crucial to prevent misdiagnosis and ensure better treatment adherence, which can have significant consequences, especially in cases of neurological and acute liver failure.
4- Wilson Disease and pregnancy are fully compatible with continued treatment and closer monitoring.
5- Epidemiological data and registries must gather information from various countries and be compared with real-world data, notably regarding complications, mortality, and compliance.
6- Innovative treatment modalities are investigated, including gene therapy (first data expected in 2024) and new chelating approaches.


Jornada Internacional sobre la Enfermedad de Wilson / XIV Jornada Científica y de convivencia de la Enfermedad de Wilson, realizada los días 25 y 26 de noviembre de 2023 en Bombas Gens, Valencia, España.

Serie de 16 vídeos, para verlos en Youtube, pincha aquí



International Meeting on Wilson’s Disease / XIV Scientific and gathering conference on Wilson’s Disease, which took place in Valencia on November 25 and 26 2023.

16 videos series, to see them in Youtube, click here